Today, 11th of January 2023 is one year ahead of the centenary of the pontifical approval of the Teresian Association.

It is a transcendental and very important event in the evolution of the Teresian Association. With the perspective of hindsight, we are filled with humble gratitude and hope. We observe the achievements of those who built it up and of all of us who are part of this family today. We intend to continue the mission that Pedro Poveda and his young collaborators undertook in 1911 and that Pope Pius XI ratified with his approval in 1924.

How will we celebrate it and experience it? We would like to spread our wings and open doors and windows. Come and join us!

We invite all members, students, collaborators, friends, etc. to join us during this year of grace. Let us celebrate all the blessings received and shared on the highways and byways of the world with the TA charism in our backpacks.

Here you can access the website dedicated to this Centenary.

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